- Job activities are displayed in Calendar
- Personalized view creation feature has been enabled in Calendar. You can create as much as filters according to assignees, statuses and activity types and save them for your personal use to get the most of the customized views. You can create the customized views via the View button over the calendar
- Integration with Google Calendar. Once you create a customized view in the calendar, you can view the content of this view in your Google calendar. To do this you need to click on the View button over the calendar and open the View settings. There you can find your saved views. Click on the 3-dots button next to the saved view and click Edit. There you’ll find a URL generated. Copy that URL and add to Other Calendars section in your Google Calendar. You’ll be able to see the activities created in Giraffe in your personal calendar.
- An eye icon is added for the relevant invoice in the invoices table inside lead and job pages when the customer opens the invoice link shared with them
- Selection preview modal has been created. Printing feature of selections has been created
- Unit adding feature created in Add cost line modals. Add new button over the Unit field.
- Current status and time will be displayed on documents (invoice, estimate, change order, purchase order) when they are printed.
- Send date and time added to the end of the email subject when sending out a purchase order
- Send date and time added to the end of the email subject when sending out a selection
- Items can be stored with their respective quantities in estimate when saving the estimate as template
- A user gains access to the lead or job when selected as owner of an invoice
- A user gains access to the job when selected as assignee in a schedule activity
- Edit icon added for cost lines in estimate, invoice, change order, purchase order pages
- Structure of activities changed and applied to both lead and job activities. End date and End time have been added for activities with all day option. You can add Start time by unchecking the All day box under the Start date in the activity modal. End date and End time will be found according to the default duration of the activity that has been in advance in the Settings. In case of no default duration the program will calculate a custom End date which can be changed manually.