- Final receipt has been created for jobs. You can print and see the document by clicking on the Print button under the Options in the details page of each job.
- Control mechanism has been created to check if the name given already exists when creating a new cost line.
- Estimator will get an email notification when customer approves/declines estimate sent to him/her
- Creator of a change order will get an email notification when customer approves the change order sent to him/her
- Creator of a selection will get an email notification when customer approves the selection sent to him/her
- Sales price set for custom items in an estimate is now saved in estimate templates.
- Project details section and comments of a lead will be visible in job details page when the lead is converted to job.
- +4 other visual and design updates
- Recurring results in the Reference field in New invoice modal in the Invoices list have been removed
- Recurring results in the Reference field in New payment modal in the Payments list have been removed